Rume2 work together for independents & local business


Rume2 chat

Why coworking is good for the environment

Person holding green grains in hand to show care for the environment

We have talked a great deal since our launch about the benefits personally of using a coworking space both mentally & physically. There is no doubt that being part of a coworking community can positively impact all areas of a co-workers life, but what about the bigger picture? In a time where climate change and sustainability should be front of mind to everyone, what impact does a coworking space have on society and the environment?

As we head towards the end of our first year in business at Rume2 we have been thinking about the positive environmental impact a coworking space can have.

It stands to reason that having a space that a number of people come together in all day everyday rather than work from home or other smaller offices can only be good for the environment in a number of ways.

 Coworking uses less electricity

Coworking uses less electricity

It seems obvious when you think about it but utilising one set of lighting, one printer, one kettle, one sound system for multiple people must use substantially less electricity over a year than multiples of those in individual homes.


Coworking uses less heating

We have an advanced heating system at Rume2 that uses minimal energy to warm a space in which up to 40 people can work at any time. That’s a great deal less energy than 40 different households with varying degrees of energy efficiency.


Coworking uses less water

With multiple people sharing one dishwasher (which is only run when absolutely full) and one boiling water tap the Rume2 space uses less water than up to 40 households or small offices.

Coworking uses less fuel useage

Coworking uses less fuel

With our placement in the centre of town we have found a number of members are walking or cycling to us rather than using their car. Those who are working here instead of commuting to an office daily in a car are also using far less fuel. Combine that with the fact we stick to local suppliers to reduce mileage on all of our supplies, and the use of fossil fuels to power Rume2 is significantly less than a multitude of people working from separate destinations.

So whilst we can’t say we are saving the planet single handed, with the above impact, our ongoing commitment to recycling and the number of large plants we have cleaning the air, we like to think our coworking space has a pretty positive effect on the environment around us.

It’s a win for our members and a win for the planet. 3 cheers to that!

If you would like to find out about our Chichester coworking space or book in for a free trial please contact us on or contact us on 07467 438900

Rosie Freshwater