Rume2 work together for independents & local business


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Over half of Sussex Small Businesses revenue drops over 50% during Coronavirus Pandemic


Thank you to all our members and friends of Rume2 for taking part in and circulating our recent Survey on how small businesses in Sussex have been affected by COVID-19

A total of 350 small businesses across the county completed the survey and results showed that 58% have seen a reduction of over 50% of their income as a direct result of COVID-19, with a shocking 26% experiencing a decline of over 90%.

Please read the FULL REPORT HERE or at the bottom of this post.

The survey was created through a partnership with Rume2 & Freedom Works, in partnership with WSCC & Coast2Capital and supported by multiple business support & networking groups & additional coworking providers across the region.

This widely supported initiative enabled 350 businesses (of which 90% have been operating for over a year) to share their experiences and has highlighted the huge challenges being faced and the large gaps in support being felt by the majority of small business owners.

This data has already been used to help lobby government for increased support to those who need it and will form part of the planning to review & restart the local economy.

Thanks also to those who offered to play a role in a new portal that is now in development to allow local businesses to trade directly with others with the region equipped to meet their challenges and explore new opportunities for growth. Watch this space for more news of this over the coming weeks.

Rosie Freshwater